Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thoughts from today.

I originally started off writing a different topic for a blog tonight, but I decided to leave that for another time and write about whats on my mind right now.

Today was the last day of the weekly wednesday classes that I have certainly not been a fan of. They are classes for my minor- special education non-teaching. Usually, I love these special ed classes and I get A's in them, but this semester, I have been so frustrated with them. I may get B's in these 2 classes, and that bums me out. I am so glad they are over, and am glad I do not have to take any more classes that I am not interested in, or feel like I will never use!

Jenn, Jess, and I then went to the "senior" picnic. It was so disappointing, we basically missed out on all the free food and senior gifts because we did not get there in time because we were in class. If we didn't have class, I know we would have been there like an hour before it started to make sure we got our free gift! ha. I hate missing out things like that.

I then got home and talked to my Nonni on the phone, and she said Butch (my stepdad) had written me an e-mail. Butch is in China right now for work and had sent me an e-mail to tell me that he couldn't make it to my graduation. My mom had already told me that he probably couldn't make it home in time but I had not heard it from him yet. His e-mail made me cry it was so sweet. I just feel so bad for him that he can't make it home, I know he really wanted to be there. I feel so bad for him because I know he must feel so lonely on the other side of the world from all his family and friends. And I know how much he hates missing out on important moments in his families life. We've been talking and planning for this day for a long time, and I know it sucks to be away and missing out on something that you wish you were at. Not only does Butch have to miss graduation, so does my Me-Maw. She just had surgery and is not physically able to be up and moving around. I really wish they could both make it :(

I also talked to my dad tonight, and I still feel horrible for him. He spent a few days in the hospital in mid February for the stomach flu and diabetes complications, and hasn't got much better. He has not been able to return to work because of his diabetes, and is still having trouble with the ulcers in his esophagus. The doctors said these side effects would be gone in two months but after 2 and 1/2 months, he still hasn't recovered fully. He has a some type of procedure in May to help his esophagus feel better,so I just pray that that helps him get better. Please keep praying for him to return to normal and be healthy!

I don't know whats been up with me lately, but I have just felt so lazy and so disgusted with myself. Like when I get home from school all I want to do is get in bed,get on the computer, and watch tv til bed. I don't know if it's a lack of motivation or if I'm just tired of the same routine and ready to get to the life I know is waiting for me on the other side of 9 days. I have zero motivation for homework and assignments which is a bad thing since these grades now are crucial. This also carries over to my diet. Right now, all I want is the most unhealthy of foods, soft drinks, and more! I get on a diet for about a week, but then slowly start to slip back into my old, bad habits.I keep saying, tomorrow I will stop, and tomorrow I will work out. But, tomorrow comes and I don't feel like it. I want to lose weight and look good for upcoming events, but like I said, mentally, I'm out of motivation. Hopefully soon I will find this motivation and get back on tract and back into a healthy routine.

Wow, this was long, but I'm glad I got all this out, a little blog therapy! :)
Tomorrow will be great. I am going to try and get myself up and moving and make a positive change for these next 9 days!

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Taking a year off.

I love it when I tell people that I am taking a year off, and they're like, that's great, you will love it! I find that most of the time, these people have also taken a year off and are telling me this from experience. It was never my original plan to take a year off, but while studying and stressing for the gre's last November, I had this thought, what if I took a year off? This might not sound like that big of deal or decision, but I guess it is to me, its my future after all. So, after consulting with my other half and thinking it over, I decided that it would be the path I would take. Convincing my family that this was a good decision, however, did not go as smoothly. As soon as I told them, I felt like they were all automatically thinking and assuming, "oh this is just an excuse or cover up for she never wants to go back". I got, "she will just get some $10 an hour job and lose the chance to make the good money and succeed." I also got, "You will forget how to study and won't be able to get back into the groove of school and class" Um hello, have I not been a student for the past 17 years of my life? Do you really think I will forget how to study and be a student and forget everything I've learned? After I listened to what everyone else thought was best for me , I thought about it more and ended up standing my ground. The application deadlines came and went, and it was official that I would be taking a year off.

So far, I am very happy with this decision, but time will tell if it was the best one or not. I'm hoping I won't be jealous of all of my friends going to graduate school and moving on with their career a year before me. Someone once reminded me that I do not have the same plans as them, and that I should stick with our original plan and be confident in it. I'm hoping I can find a job that requires a bachelors degree, and that I can use mine until grad school time. I'm hoping that all of our plans follow through like their supposed to. I hope to not regret this. I hope to prove everyone wrong. I hope this was the best choice...I'm super excited to be home for a bit and who knows, in a year I might be dying to get back to school and on my own again. I can only trust that this is what God's plan is for me and trust in that.

Thanks for reading,

Thursday, April 8, 2010

One Month.

One month til graduation. And there’s sooo much to do! Jenn, Jess, Maria and I have so much left to do off our Senior list and so little time! We have to get on it, time is ticking away. I feel like I need to take in all that JMU is here in the next month.

Right now I’m packing for my last weekend trip to home before graduation. The next time I will be home after this weekend will be for good. This weekend Molly and Andrew are getting married and I am one of the bridesmaids! It should be a fun weekend and I am very happy for the two of them!

Sterling and I were talking the other day, and we realized that out of the 3 and ½ years we’ve been together, we’ve only physically been together/in the same town for around a year and ½ because of me being away at school. That’s a lot of time being a part if you think about it! We’ve always said, “distance make the heart grow fonder” and that certainly has been true, but now the distance is just pure annoying. Although I treasure my time at school and my independence here, I miss the most important person in my life. We don’t get to talk that much during the day and talking on the phone or computer is just not the same as being together in person. I feel so disconnected to him while at I’m at school and I’m over it. I think we’ve both been counting down until graduation because we know after that, we won’t have to be away from each other again, finally. We’ve held on for four years now, hopefully we can hang on for one more month. The end is in sight, but it’s hard being patient, I’m just ready.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I’m sure I’ll be posting pictures from the wedding next week!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My very first blog!

Hey yall! It's Kate, Welcome to my brand new blog!
I feel that the majority of people who will read this already know me, but for those who do not, I'm 22 and about to graduate from James Madison University. I always told Jess that I would start a blog when a certain big event happened in my life, but I decided to not wait on that, and start one now! With graduation only a month away, I'm feeling a million different emotions and I thought this would be a good way to help me sort all of these emotions out.So while I try to figure out how this whole blog thing works, and try to get everything looking all cute, I will leave yall with a little more about me! :)

My name is Katie Johnson, but I like to go by Kate because there are just too many of us Katie's. Like I said before I'm 22 and a Sen10r at JMU. I will be getting my Bachelor's degree in CSD-Communications Sciences and Disorders, and have plans to get my Master's in Speech Language Pathology. After graduation, I am planning on moving back home and taking a year off. As of right now, I'm really happy with this d
ecision, but time will tell if it was the right choice or not! Speaking of home, I'm from Roanoke, Va. I love Roanoke and love being home. I have an amazing family and the best of friends! I guess you could also say that I have a pretty amazing boyfriend too, Sterling, who is pretty much my everything. I few things I absolutely love are dancing (been dancing for 18 years), shopping, O.A.R., cats, eating out, October, laughing hard, and having genuinely good times that only come once in a lifetime. I'm not sure how I got so blessed with this life, but I don't take it for granted and thank God for it everyday!

I hope this wasn't too bad of a first post, and I hope you decide to visit again soon! :)