Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Life at the moment.

Hey yall! It's time for my monthly post! ha. This has been a good week so far, there is lots of fun stuff going on. Last night was the TR Halloween dance, and it was a blast! I was so impressed by the quality of costumes! There were definitely some creative ones! I got to see some of my ACE campers too, and dance with them! They make me happy :) Today we went on the Salem Ghost Tour with Mingle. Thursday I am supposed to be going on a field trip at school. Friday is dress up day in 1st grade. We are supposed to dress up as someone from "long ago" aka someone from the colonial times, and have fun things planned for the day. Saturday is the Roanoke Ghost Tour and we're going out for Halloween! Woo! Anyways, heres whats been up lately...

My little guy at work these past weeks has definitely been testing his limits. He's out of the honeymoon period, and now into the lets see what I can do and get away with period. He shouts out all the time, hits, and just generally does not listen! It's pretty bad when I just walk into the room and he shouts at me, "Just get away, get out NOW!" Last week, I felt like I was failing at my job. His behaviors escalated last week, and I didn't really know how to handle them. One day, the teacher I'm with had to discipline him all day because he would not listen to me anymore. I just felt stupid that I couldn't find the right way to discipline him, I mean after all thats why Im there, so she doesn't have to do that. But I had to tell myself that she has had 13 years experience with this, and I have had only 2 months of it. At camp, sure we had to discipline every now and then, but not to this extent. School is a lot more structured and strict, as where camp was more lenient and carefree. You have to be on top of them, schools not a place to goof around. I feel like sometimes I need to take a mean pill, so I can be more firm and stern with him. But I'm getting better with being authoritative with him.

I was warned when I got the job that the little guy I'm with could possibly be moving. Well, I got word this week that his family has sold their house, and will be moving soon. Since he is moving, I will be placed with someone new but it will be at the same school I am in. Even though he does have his behavior problems, I will miss him and the first grade class I am in. I knew I shouldn't get attached, but I did! :( But hopefully the new student/class I will be with will be just as good of experience!

So far, I am really enjoying my second job with Therapeutic Recreation. I am working with the adults with disabilities every Tuesday and Thursday, and some Fridays. The adults are a lot of fun and are a good change from the crazy kids. With the adults, you don't have to go chasing them around, put them in time out, or worry about bathroom needs. Sometimes I can't believe I get paid to hang out with cool people and do fun things! I actually look forward to going to work!

Something that has been breaking my heart lately is my Dad's esophagus problems. He has been battling the ulcers in his esophagus since February and he still is not better. All I want is for this to go away for him! He has had 3 stints put in, and now he just went to get a 4th one in. He did get some good news though when he went to get the 4th stint. He has 2 ulcers, one in the top, and one in bottom. Well the one in the top has gotten better, so they just had to put a stint in the for the bottom one! This is great news and I only hope the bottom one will do the same. They still don't know what is causing this and if they do all they can, and they still don't get better, he will have to undergo a very serious surgery to fix it. We don't want this! So say a little prayer for him, he's my hero!

I am very excited for a Halloween celebration this Saturday! I have decided to be Katy Perry. I hope my costume turns out ok, and that people recognize who I am! I will miss JMU Halloweens, they were so fun! We always had a house full at our apartment Halloween weekend, and the parties were always eventful. We are going downtown this year, so hopefully it will live up to JMU, probably not though.

I am going to be starting something new in the next couple of days. I am going to do 10 days of blogging, and each day will be a certain number things about me. I saw this on another blog, and stole the idea. So be on the lookout for that soon!

I hope everyone has a great Halloween week and weekend! :)